A comprehensive assessment is guided by the reason for referral. Direct assessment time with the child is between 1.5 - 2 hours. Following the assessment, a one-to-one parent feedback is provided whereby we go through the assessment findings which will be recorded in a formal report. The assessment will review areas of the child’s development including:
· Sensory processing and integration
· Muscle tone and Postural control
· Gross and Fine motor skills
· Bilateral Integration and Sequencing skills
· Handwriting difficulties
· Play skills
Children have an innate drive to be successful and to engage socially. Sometimes children may present with obstacles restricting them from engaging and achieving their potential. Therapy sessions are aimed at empowering the child through engaging in playful, individually-tailored activities.
Is your child a picky eater? This can make meal times a stressful and emotional challenge. The SOS (Sequential-Oral-Sensory) Approach to Feeding assesses and addresses problematic feeding behaviours in children. It was developed by Dr Kay Toomey and Associates.
This evidenced-based approach helps children and families learn the skills they need to eat well making meal time a happy one.
Click the link below for more information on the SOS Approach to Feeding.
INSET and Twilight school training is a valuable way to empower the important staff members working with children.
We offer clinical and educational assessments to help you understand your child's learning profile, their strengths and areas of need.
We run short course group sessions which focus on social skills and emotional regulation.